A meeting was held with the students of the Faculty of Forestry under the chairmanship of our Dean Prof. Dr. Birsen DURKAYA
A highly attended meeting was held with the students of the Faculty of Forestry under the chairmanship of Prof. Dr. Birsen DURKAYA, Dean of our Faculty. The focus of the meeting was "TUBITAK 2209-A and 2209-B University Students Research Projects Support Program". Assistant Dean Associate Professor Şahin PALTA gave a presentation on the preparation, evaluation and conclusion processes of student projects.
Within the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Forestry; It has been reported that the Project Preliminary Review Commission, which includes Prof. Dr. Barbaros YAMAN, Associate Professor Ahmet CAN and Dr. Sinan KAPTAN, has been established. Dean DURKAYA said, "TUBITAK 2209-A and 2209-B University Students Research Projects Support Program is an opportunity that should not be missed for students." At the end of the meeting, the questions of the students were answered by Dean DURKAYA.