
With the project of Bartın Forestry Faculty supported by TÜBİTAK, innovative solutions will be presented to produce sustainable and ecologically balanced boards.

Bartın Faculty of Forestry continues to undertake recyclable, sustainable and environmentally friendly projects to protect the natural ecosystem. In this context, a project was prepared within the framework of the university-industry cooperation protocol made with BARÜ, Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University (BAİBÜ) and Yıldız Entegre Ağaç Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş., one of the leading brands in Turkey in the forest products sector. The project, led by Prof. Dr. Abdullah İSTEK from Bartın Faculty of Forestry, Department of Forest Industry Engineering, was found worthy of support within the scope of the TÜBİTAK-TEYDEB 1505 University-Industry Cooperation Support Program. The project titled "Increasing Glue Efficiency in Particleboard Production" will present innovative solutions for the development of sustainable and environmentally friendly panels in the particleboard production process. These panels, referred to as “particleboard " in the technical literature but generally known as " chipboard " among the public, will contribute to the preservation of the ecological balance by being produced with lower glue consumption. Within the scope of the project, it is planned not only to provide production efficiency by increasing glue efficiency, but also to develop new products that are environmentally friendly and harmless to human health. In this context, it is also envisaged that the innovative approaches to being developed in the project will lead the sector.

In the studies where innovative and comprehensive methods will be carried out, the Customer Organization Project Manager Kenan Çağrı NEVRUZ will take part as the project manager on behalf of Yıldız Entegre Ağaç Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. as the industrial partner. In addition, Prof. Dr. Deniz AYDEMİR from BARÜ, Dr. Lecturer Orhan KELLECİ from BAİBÜ and Dr. Lecturer Süheyla Esin SARIUSTA will contribute to the project as researchers.

 Providing information about the project, Prof. Dr. İSTEK said, “Within the scope of the project, it is aimed to reduce the gluing costs in wood-based panels with innovative modification processes and techniques and to increase the physical and mechanical properties of the panels. In this context, it is planned to reduce both production costs and minimize environmental impacts by increasing the efficiency of glue use. This project also plays an important role in strengthening university-industry cooperation and effectively transferring academic knowledge to industry. At this point, I would like to thank our Rector Prof. Dr. Orhan UZUN, who always encourages us to ensure that the developed collaborations bring qualified project outputs.”

Dean of Bartın University Faculty of Forestry Prof. Dr. Birsen DURKAYA emphasized that university-industry cooperation plays a critical role in the sustainable development of society and expressed her support for studies in this field. Dean DURKAYA said in his statement, " As a faculty, we see strengthening university-industry cooperation and thus ensuring the spread of environmentally friendly practices as one of our most important goals. Today, we are proud of the innovative projects put forward in line with these goals. I wholeheartedly congratulate Prof. Dr. Abdullah İSTEK and the project team for their remarkable work with their environmentally sensitive approach and innovative solutions, and I wish their success to continue to increase. In this process, I would also like to express my gratitude to Bartın University Rector Prof. Dr. Mr. Orhan UZUN, who has always supported us in the development and spread of project culture. "

Prof. Dr. DURKAYA stated in his statement that sustainable development is possible not only with scientific research but also by bringing these research studies together with industry and putting it into practice. In this context, he stated that Bartın Forestry Faculty continues to be not only an educational institution but also a solution center that acts with environmental awareness.


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