On November 11th National Afforestation Day, Saplings Met with the Soil with the Slogan “Breath for the Future, Breath for Humanity”
Within the scope of "National Afforestation Day" celebrated every year on November 11th throughout Turkey, the "Breath to the Future, Breath to Humanity" sapling planting event was held this year at the Uğurlar Village junction on the Bartın-Amasra road.
Our Faculty Dean Prof. Dr. Birsen DURKAYA, our esteemed lecturers Prof. Dr. Ali DURKAYA, Prof. Dr. Bülent KAYGIN, Prof. Dr. Azize TOPER KAYGIN and Faculty Secretary Hülya ERSAL attended the event. As a faculty, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to all individuals who contributed to the realization of the National Afforestation Day. We believe that it is of great importance to support and expand such events every year for a sustainable environment and a green future.