
A training was organized in our faculty within the scope of “TÜBİTAK 2209-A–B- University Students Research Projects Support Program”.


In our faculty, under the Project and Technology Office Coordination, a training was organized with the presentations of Lecturer Dr. Erkan AKSOY and Lecturer Burak BODUR within the scope of the “TÜBİTAK 2209-A–B- University Students Research Projects Support Program” that encourages university students to conduct research. The event, which was held with the participation of our Faculty Dean Prof. Dr. Birsen DURKAYA, was realized with the intense interest of our academic staff and students.

During the training, students were provided with detailed information about the differences of TÜBİTAK 2209-AB projects, project preparation processes, project application forms and previous successful projects. Necessary guidance was provided for students to apply for projects.

The training, which attracted great interest from the participants, provided students with significant support in producing and developing projects. Prof. Dr. Birsen DURKAYA emphasized the importance of such training to make our success in student projects throughout the country sustainable. Dean DURKAYA thanked the PTO and the participants in the training and said, “Our faculty will continue to support our students in their scientific research journeys.”

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