
Five journals within BARÜ were among the most influential publications

Five scientific journals prepared for publication within Bartın University (BARU) were among the most influential publications in the ranking made by the Sobiad citation index on impact factor. 

Sobiad ( shared the 2021 impact factor of the journals it scanned based on the information in the database with the public.

When the numerical data on the citation status of the articles published in the journals scanned in the database were evaluated, Bartın University Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences (0.551 impact factor) managed to rank 34th among 519 publications in the Q1 category.

Bartın Journal of Faculty of Forestry (0.228 impact factor), which is in the Q2 category, ranked 20th among 65 publications; Bartın University Journal of Faculty of Letters (0.214 impact factor) ranked 234th among 519 publications and Bartın University Journal of Faculty of Islamic Sciences (0.143 impact factor) ranked 47th among 104 publications.

Bartın University Journal of Faculty of Education (0.209 impact factor) ranked 146th among 242 publications in the Q3 category.

BARU Rector Prof. Dr. Orhan Uzun stated that they increased their efforts to achieve better every semester and said that they are a university that grows and develops day by day with the understanding of continuous improvement.

Rector Uzun thanked those who contributed to the scientific journals published within BARU and said, "As Bartın University, we aim to add value to our future as a university that not only transmits information but also produces it. In this journey, we are improving ourselves day by day and showing sustainable development. We are increasing the number of our national and international publications day by day. We attract attention with our work and are happy to reach satisfactory results of our efforts. With these thoughts, I congratulate all our human resources who have worked hard in the publication of our journals, where we have achieved an important scientific gain, and who have added value to our future with their work, and I wish that their success will increase exponentially."

Sobiad Citation Index

Sobiad Citation Index; Based on the annual impact factor data it has previously published, it shares with the public the 2021 Quartile tranches of the journals it scans.

Quartile tranches are based on the 12 essential areas of the Interuniversity Council (ÜAK), and the primary study areas are; Educational Sciences, Science and Mathematics, Philology, Fine Arts, Law, Theology, Architecture, Planning and Design, Engineering, Health Sciences, Social Humanities and Administrative Sciences, Agriculture, Forest and Fisheries and Sports Sciences Basic Areas.

The Q value of an academic journal shows the 25 percent that occurs when the number of journals in the field in which the journal is published is divided by four.

The first 25 percent takes Q1, the second 25 percent takes Q2, the third 25 percent gets Q3, and the last 25 percent gets Q4.

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